


조회수 : 1497




Welcome to the Coronavirus and Mobility forum facilitated by Professor Biao Xiang.

How can a mobility perspective shed light on the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, and what can we learn about mobilities throughout the pandemic and for the future?

Mobilities are not only basic human practices; they frame how global society is organized and disrupted. They are managed by national and international policies and regulations.

This forum facilitates discussion among researchers from multiple disciplines across the world to deepen our understandings of the crisis, and to explore new tools in migration research that will help us to make sense of the fast-moving world. The forum is a platform for ongoing reflections and discussions, and is not currently a defined research project. The views expressed in the forum are of individual authors, rather than those of COMPAS.

We conceive mobility broadly, including; cross-border migration as well as within a country; daily commutes and family mobility; mobile work (e.g. taxi drivers and delivery workers); and mobile lifestyles (e.g. travelling communities and tourists). Apart from the movement of people, we also consider the movement of goods such as equipment and medical samples. Immobility is equally important as we witness the erection of borders and boundaries of all kinds during the pandemic.